Saturday, March 24, 2012

In my Garden

It's an absolutely completely beautiful day out today!  Just wonderful.  And now that my allergy headache is clearing up, I'm enjoying it even more. 

The roses are blooming, the grass is green and soft, trees are all green and shady now. 

I spent a couple hours weeding today.  My poor herb garden was completely overgrown with weeds of one kind or another.  It isn't finished, but you can tell it's a garden again.  A winter so warm that it never killed the grass made for a lot of extra weeds in the spring! 

There are so many bugs out in the garden.  I remind myself it's a good thing.  That means the soil and grass are healthy enough that a bug would want to live there.  It wasn't that way when we moved in here oh so many years ago!  But now things grow.  I watched an inch worm inch his way across a branch of a rose bush, green squishy caterpillars crawling here and there and I wonder what they'll turn out to be.  Will they be a beautiful butterfly, flying around our yard someday?  Or a moth coming in to eat my clothes?  The hope of a butterfly keeps me from getting rid of them. 

Instead of having one big garden, I have several little gardens.  I like it that way.  They all seem so small and sweet.  I wonder what will go in them this year.  Time to start planning pretty soon.  Anybody have any tips on growing squash?  I'd love to grow squash, but they never turn out right.  But I'll probably try again this year.  Ever hopeful!


  1. Small gardens that link together are my favourite sorts of gardens - fun to explore and be tempted around corners. We've not got seedlings and caterpillers yet... a few more weeks here.

  2. Missus Wookie, the small ones are the most fun. :-) Do you have a garden at your house?
